His last name says it all--his views on the economy are a 'laffer'. I think he owes Peter a penny.
8/28/2006-Peter Schiff On Kudlow & Company
"The wealth of the average American household has been going UP."
"This economy is driven by good economic policy, by good monetary policy, by good trade policy, and it's working beatifully."
(Peter Schiff is shown; he is right on the money!)
I hope Laffer didn't have all his money locked up in the stock market. He's gonna need more than a penny. lol.
Art owes Peter a dollar to keep up with inflation.
Art Laffer is a FOOL. Peter Schiff called this financial crisis perfectly years before it happened and the FOOL ridiculed him. I would not take anything Art Laffer says to the Bank unless you want to be broke.
Hey Art, I think you owe Peter Schiff a public apology.
Rarely have I heard someone as wrong as Art Laffer. He needs to hide some place.
Art Laffer is a Joke,
You can say that again!
You can hear condescension and arrogance from his talk.
Pay up your bet, clown!
If it weren't so tragic, it would be a lot funnier. The frustrating thing is that "leftist" economists have been saying this would definitely happen as far back as 2004. Its likelihood was understood as far back as 2002. Its possibility was thought of back in 1997, and you can even look at the famous 1965 book "A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold" for a fairly accurate prediction of this collapse.
This Laffer is part of the denial of common sense that pervades our culture.
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