Is this guy on drugs??? Last quarter of 2008--he called it! Whew! I feel much better now.
I would ask, "Who write this stuff?", but this jackass seems like he was born to spit out this trash.
2008-04-22: Existing-Home Sales Slip in March
NAR President Richard F. Gaylord, a broker with RE/MAX Real EstateSpecialists in Long Beach, Calif., said there are problems with theimplementation of mortgage guidelines. "It appears there is some over-reaction on the part of some lenders now in requiring higher downpayment percentages than may be necessary," he said.
He's baaaaaackkkkkkk!!!
Dick, you mo**er fu**er!!!
2008-01-24: Letter to N.Pelosi For Conforming Loan Increase

The critical role that the GSEs play in providing liquidity to the mortgage market has never been more evident than it is today. Unlike most proposed stimulus measures being discussed, a national conforming loan limit increase to $625,000 would have a positive, immediate impact on the housing market and the broader economy. Specifically, NAR estimates that increasing the conforming loan limit to $625,000 will strengthen current home prices by 2 to 3 percent and generate $42 billion in increased economic activity.
2008-01-14: NAR Campaign Relates Real Facts
"Nobody buys a home in the national real estate market," (What about price?) said NAR President Dick Gaylord, a broker with RE/MAX Real Estate Specialists in Long Beach, Calif. "All real estate markets are local, and buyers and sellers who are thinking about making a move should consult with a Realtor(R) in their local market to learn about conditions specific to the area. (What about price?) It's also advisable to look beyond the immediate horizon -- real estate has proven itself to be a good long-term investment and a safe, secure way to build long-term wealth." (What about price?)
2007-11-04: Time to buy? Depends on whom you ask
"I'm not seeing the market fall apart. Are we having a correction? Absolutely," said Long Beach broker Dick Gaylord, who becomes the 2008 NAR president next month. "I think for most buyers, this is a great time. The question is, are you buying right?"
"I don't think this will go on much longer," Gaylord added, forecasting a turnaround by the last quarter of 2008.
Realtors welcome national association president
Dick Gaylord told an audience at the Visalia Convention Center that he's "never been more confident" in the market. "Real estate has always been the best way Americans built wealth and it will always be," Gaylord said.
"The problem is there has been a tremendous appreciation [in property values] over the past five or 10 years and now people have a misperception of real estate as an investment," he said. "They think it's a short-term investment and it's not."
He counted down the positives in today's market, including continued low interest rates, a growing gross domestic product output and solid employment.
"This is a great time and the industry will continue to survive," he said.
Yuck, I just watched that video and now I feel all dirty. I think I'll go for a shower. Utterly disgusting! What a freakin tool. Another useless talking head from the NAR
"I am not a crook"
An exchange between The Ace and Dicky "I am not a crook" Gaylord.
Re: A great time to buy?Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:45 PM
From: "The Ace Mod" Add sender to Contacts To: "Dick Gaylord"
Dicky Boy,
What do you mean you do not respond to anonymous email, my email to you was anything but anonymous.
What you actually mean is that you do not respond to an email that speaks the truth and exposes you either as a complete ignoramus with regard to the current housing situation or that you are flat out liar and continue to lie as a means to maintain the obscene 6% commission.
The Ace
--- On Tue, 4/22/08, Dick Gaylord wrote:
From: Dick Gaylord Subject: Re: A great time to buy?
To: "The Ace Mod" Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 8:14 PM
I have received your email, but I do not respond to anonymous mail. Dick Gaylord
----- Original Message ----- From: The Ace Mod To: Dick@dickgaylord.org Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:01 PMSubject: A great time to buy?
Dicky boy,
I saw your recent broadcast old chap and I can only conclude that either you are one hell of a liar or you are a complete moron. I favor the latter but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Every reputable Economist estimates that house prices nationwide will fall a minimum of 30% on average over the next two years and with bubble markets such as California, Arizona, Nevada and Florida they will fall a minimum of 50% from todays values. In fact only today, Case - Shiller predicted an 80% depreciation over the coming years in house values for these bubble markets.
How then can you look yourself in the mirror and continue to spew the NAR official line that "it's a great time to buy"? Only a moron or a shrill who stands to gain financially by duping idiots who are not aware of these facts look himself or herself in the mirror each morning.
FYI: You now have the dubious distinction of being added to the Housing Hall of Shame, a Blog read my several million people.
The Ace
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
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If you are a Realtor, as I am, please email your contact information to Dimeoooo@yahoo.com. I happen to run the blog: www.propertyfreedom.blogspot.com and it appears we have a huge issue brewing with our respective organization. I will post the Realtor Association's letter along with my response in my blog and call all Realtors into action to demand that Richard Gaylord resign from his post.
Here's something funny. I just lost my house this year and Dick gaylord offered my boyfriend money to blow him! Of course i lost my boy friend too! Lol!
Please review my email and the response I received from Dick Gaylord (NAR.) As I said before, this is a mass scale "Bait and Switch" operation with REMAX and the National Association of Realtors.
The process for ethics complaints works where there are complaints within the jurisdiction of the Association.
As you mentioned to me you have taken your complaint to numerous entities and none will take it on.
I am sorry I cannot help. This matter falls under the jurisdiction of the local association and I have no authority to get involved.
I wish you the best in your future real estate endeavors. My personal advise: don't let this consume you; get on with your business and life.
I am off to D.C. for NAR's midyear meetings.
Dick Gaylord
----- Original Message -----
From: "jim bruggenschmidt"
Sent: 05/10/2008 07:31 AM AST
To: dick@dickgaylord.org
Subject: NAR Ethics Complaint
Attn: Mr. Dick Gaylord / NAR President
I have contacted several different members of the Indiana Association
of Realtors (State Board.) In addition, I have contacted a member of
the Board of Directors with MIBOR. To date, I have not found anyone
willing to discuss my complaint with me. As you know, NAR members say
they are dedicated to "protecting and promoting the interest of the
I have not found this to be the case in Indiana. Unfortunately, it
would appear that Scott Veerkamp continues to use "predatory lending"
tactics with his customers. As you know from reading my letter, there
is a possibility that Scott has caused financial harm to over 1,000
clients in the last 5 years with the use of YSP.
I find this information to be disturbing...
Jim Bruggenschmidt
When I filed my initial complaint with REMAX of Indiana, Jonathan Nicholas had the following designations: NAR, CRB, CRS, and GRI.
As I mentioned earlier, my initial complaint included documentation of Loan Steering and Predatory Lending. Likewise, I informed Jonathan that Scott Veerkamp removed my property from the MLS without my permission.
Please review this important information:
1. Jonathan Nicholas refused to meet with me and discuss my experience with the REMAX Central Sting Operation. 2. Scott Veerkamp made approximately $26,000 on a $120,000 property with a "land contract scam." 3. Scott refused to conduct an open house on this property. 4. Scott lived "one block down the street" from this property. 5. Jonathan Nicholas presented Scott Veerkamp with a "Lifetime Achievement Award" for misrepresenting the value of this property and stealing my money. 6. Scott used the award to recognize himself with another advertisement in Christian Phone Book. 7. Apparently, this is supposed to be an example of how to "protect and promote the interest of your client." 8. In reality, this felt like a "mafia hit" on behalf of the REMAX organization. 9. This "mafia hit" included the following components: A. Loan Steering B. Predatory Lending C. Inflated property value D. Land contract with a "due on sale" clause. E. $26,000 "heist" for Scott Veerkamp...
REMAX agent David Bickell was the President of the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors (local association) in 2008. Likewise, REMAX agent Dick Gaylord was the President of the National Association of Realtors in 2008. Clearly, there is a "pattern of deception" emerging with REMAX, NAR, and Loan Steering.
Please take time to review this example of Scott Veerkamp's deception: "You can trust our Realtors to always keep your interest first and foremost."
Loan 1: (Property value $150,000) A. $4,799 yield spread premium B. $500 processing fee C. $250 document preparation fee D. $50 courier fee E. $35 electronic filing fee F. $425 administration fee (lender fee)
Loan 2: (Property value $120,000) A. $1,440 yield spread premium B. $960 application fee C. $1,920 in "discount points" (paid to Scott Veerkamp) D. $409 administration fee (lender fee) E. $150 underwriting fee (lender fee)
Scott Veerkamp article...
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