The Housing Bust: a Statistical Portrait
Percentage of all mortgages bundled into securities:
1994: 55.8 percent; 2007: 74.2 percent
Percentage of all subprime mortgages packaged into securities:
1994: 31.6 percent; 2007: 92.8 percent
Household debt as a percentage of disposable income:
1985: 74.9 percent; 2006: 137 percent
Share of mortgage originations by federally regulated savings institutions:
1987: 29.8 percent; 2006: 8 percent.
Share of mortgage originations by less -regulated brokers:
1987: 20 percent; 2006: 58 percent
Average annual rise in home-price value:
1990-1999: 3 percent; 2000-2006: 8.6 percent
Total estimated cost of the subprime crisis so far:
$150 billion to $500 billion.
1 comment:
Sorry, Ace. She's just eye candy for the article. I've got a blond realtor for you, tomorrow. BWAHAHAHA
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