I've been eyeing Mr. Retisinas for induction for a while now. Congratulations, moron.
Induction Date: Dec 20, 2007
Nicolas on the housing problem...
Nicolas Retsinas, director of Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies commented "The fundamental problem with housing is oversupply.''
2007-12-17: Seeking Alpha Rebuttal
Adding to the growing evidence that you can work at Harvard and still be a moron, Nicolas Retsinas, director of Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies commented "The fundamental problem with housing is oversupply.''
2006-09-27: Sep 2006 Article from Housing Panic
2008-03-25: Good news in the housing market (???)
"The numbers indicate that if price goes down, sales go up."
This is what they teach you at Harvard! Congratulations; after you read this you have an Ivy League education.
Yes I agree I would have expected something more profound than "over supply" coming from Harvard's director of Housing Studies, but in the simplest sense of supply and demand, he is correct. I also agree Harvard has been a shill of the bubble, but I think you need more than just that one line to call Retsinas a moran. Sorry to play devils advocate in your comments.
I agree, one line isn't enough. But he has a track record of this drivel. He seems to be out of touch with the reality of the housing situation. And, yes, in the simplest sense, he is correct, but he omitted the parts about:
- loose lending standards
- over-priced houses
- incomes not commensurate with prices
- mortgage fraud
- ...
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